
The Pros and Cons of Blocking Requests with Empty User-Agent Headers Using ModSecurity

Introduction ModSecurity is an open-source web application firewall (WAF) that is highly configurable and customizable. It offers an array of rules and filters to help secure your web application. One common rule used is blocking requests that come with an empty User-Agent header. While this might seem like a good idea at first glance, there […]

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Navigating Network Security: Understanding Different Traffic Scrubbing Methods

Introduction Network security is a high-stakes game where the goal is to keep bad actors at bay while maintaining optimum performance. One essential tool for achieving this goal is traffic scrubbing, a method that filters out malicious or unnecessary data from your network traffic. With cyber threats such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks

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Getting Started with ModSecurity Rules and the Transition to ModSecurity 3

Introduction As the digital world expands, so too does the need for robust and reliable security measures. One essential tool in the arsenal of every web administrator is a Web Application Firewall (WAF). A WAF is designed to protect web applications by monitoring and filtering HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. Amongst

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Enhancing WordPress Security: Blocking Malicious Traffic with Firewalls, ModSecurity, and More

It’s no secret that WordPress, powering nearly 40% of all websites globally, is a common target for cybercriminals. They often target specific pages like xmlrpc.php or login.php, seeking vulnerabilities to exploit and gain unauthorized access. As a WordPress administrator, it is crucial to understand the techniques available to block this malicious traffic, thus bolstering the

Enhancing WordPress Security: Blocking Malicious Traffic with Firewalls, ModSecurity, and More Read More »

The Challenge of Cybersecurity: Overcoming a Complex Problem for IT Professionals

It is no secret that the field of Information Technology (IT) is a complex and dynamic domain. In today’s digital age, where enterprises are constantly moving towards full-scale digitization, IT professionals face a multitude of challenges. However, there’s one particular challenge that has rapidly ascended to the forefront of the IT industry: cybersecurity. In the

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